Golding Institute Integrative Medicine Training Online Courses

The Golding Institute offers a selection of highly engaging and practical courses in Integrative Medicine Training Online for physicians

Detoxification & Inflammation

Optimization of health includes combating inflammation and ongoing detoxification in an ever-increasing environmental toxic load. There is overwhelming proof that we are exposed to environmental

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Dr Craige Golding on Cognitive Decline

There has been an alarming increase in the number of cases of Cognitive Decline over the last decade, yet there are several integrative solutions that can assist in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.

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Dr Craige Golding on Hormone Basics

Hormone Basics With Dr Golding takes you on a journey to discover more about about your hormones, the important role they play in making sure your body is functioning at an optimal level as well as helping you proactively take control of your hormones though a deeper understanding of hormones and the link between your nutritional intake and your hormones.

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This module will address areas of gastroenterology from an integrative medical perspective including: Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System, Normal GI Flora, Dysbiosis, Bacterial,

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Infectious disease module will cover a natural medicine approach to infectious diseases, both in terms of treatments and prevention, prebiotics, probiotics and the implications on gut

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Integrative Diabetes Management

In a world where diabetes has become a global health crisis, it’s crucial for medical professionals to adopt a holistic and integrative perspective when addressing this prevalent condition. Dr. Craige Golding, an expert in the field of integrative medicine, invites you to embark on a transformative journey towards more effective diabetes management.

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Hormone Balance
Integrative Hormone Therapies

The module will cover bio identical Hormone replenishment therapies (HRT), thyroid and adrenal gland disorders, misconceptions regarding compounding, and point out the evidence proving the

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